Female Body Hair Pics
French Women Post Body Hair Photos Because It’S Completely Normal
Adele Labo, 16, was bullied at school in France for not having shaved her hair. "I think society stigmatizes women, there's a huge social pressure on body hair," she told the Guardian. Image: Adele Labo/TumblrThis time she wanted to show that female hair is perfectly normal and wonderful and that millions of women accept this fact. Love the art of Ayqa Khan focusing on the normality of women's body hair
#LesPrincessesOntDesPoils used the pretty filter because pretty and hairy aren't mutually exclusive ❤️ pic.twitter.com/FYa429IsCs— Olivia Cassano (@liv_css) July 13, 2016
Overall, they convey the same message: women with body hair, it's okay. For most of human history, women didn't feel the need to shave the hair that grew on their bodies - hair on their legs, arms, stomach, back, face, and everywhere else. One of those targeted insecurities was body hair, which could be seen as a male issue versus a female issue. Gillette created the first women's razor in 1915 and sold it with a message that defined hair as "unsightly", according to The Guardian. Since then, commercials, TV shows, movies, magazines, and other forms of mass media have been relentless in their depiction of hairless women.
“Natural Beauty” Photo Series Challenges Restricting Female Body Hair Standards (30 Pics)
Don't get me wrong, I fully respect the decisions and changes that humans make to their own bodies, but I have to make a big point on this because in my country there is a high rate of young girls dying from of bad medical practice trying to get cheap plastic surgery because they face bullying and shame in schools and in their local community. However, I believe that, as beauty rules can be important to impose on young women at an early stage of life, along with this, we should also attach great importance to the fact that these same young girls, teenagers and women know that it's okay to make decisions for our own bodies without following the rules of beauty and let them know that they shouldn't feel powerless about who they are or what they wish to be. Both also haven't shaved their armpits and reassured each other that what makes me feminine isn't whether I shave or don't shave, but actually being able to own myself and take decisions for my own body and not for beauty rules in society. In Venezuela, like many places around the world, there's so much pressure on women to try and impress men with a specific dictatorial way of what women should look like, but I had a moment of realization 5 months ago and this is the only reaction I have keep in mind my body hair. At that time, I was still a little uncertain about my body and myself, but this realization reinforced the belief that beauty is subjective in all ways and comes in all forms. , sizes and even quantities of hair…I must personally thank Ben for involving me in this valuable project he is working on to appreciate the natural beauty of women and I would like to celebrate and congratulate all the beautiful women involved in this project, especially my two good friends Anne and Emily, as in many ways they have inspired me and given me so much strength to make me proud of who i am as a woman it takes courage to reach a point where you are proud of your body in society in which we live, congratulations to those who have made it and who continue to try because it will be a very rewarding personal moment at the end.
# Video | Female Body Hair Pics
