16 Tips for Front Of House Small Garden Ideas
This time around, we shall cover Front Of House Small Garden Ideas. Obviously, there is a great deal of information on Small Front Yard Landscaping Ideas & Designs on the Internet. The rapid rise of social media facilitates our ability to acquire knowledge.
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16 Tips for Front Of House Small Garden Ideas | Front garden ideas: 7 golden rules to achieve wow factor all year round
- In reality, for much of the year we're likely to see more of our front garden than our back. – until spring and summer arrives, of course. Every time we walk to our car or out of our house, whatever the weather, we'll be immersed in this front garden, so why not give it the attention it deserves? Source:
- Pretty much inevitably, if a tree is growing in a front garden, it's going to be close to the house. Even small trees grow into big trees and you might think, 'Oh we can take it out if it gets too big,' but no, you might not be able to. Once the roots go down under the foundations, taking a tree out can cause as much damage as leaving it in. It's just safer all round to avoid trees anywhere near your four walls. Source:
- The main requirements for plants in a front garden is that they give structure and don't take too much looking after. They need to be steady, not glamorous. As a general rule, choose plants that flower in every season, that way you'll always have something new to welcome you home, and window boxes are great for adding a splash a colour. Source:
- The layout – the bones of the garden – needs to signal where people should go. It's an obvious point but one that's often forgotten. When visitors walk to your house, the front garden needs to show them the way to the front door; its purpose, if you like, is to direct. The easiest way to do this is with a clear path and a big signal to mark the front door. Big pots either side of the front door will do the job. Source:
- Every road has a 'look' and if you take your front garden too far away from what's normal for your street, you will create a 'wow', but not in a good way. But you can still raise the tone – if other front gardens in your street are neglected you can go for quietly smart, and if every other garden has been made over like a daytime TV programme, you might have to work a bit harder. If in doubt go for low key, neat and formal. Source:
- Shrubs which stay green and have a good bulk all year round are key to front gardens. Try box or yew, hebes or sarcococcas. Choose the size you need to create your look and one of these will fit the bill. Source:
- It's not a good idea to put anything too expensive in the front garden, but there is a way to introduce luxury without that danger – think about the flooring you use. There are some beautiful (and expensive) options. For example, if you live in a Victorian house have a look at reclaimed or replica tiles – these come in that classic chequerboard black and white or other geometric shapes. In a modern house, the luxury options for paving are things like travertine or reclaimed York stone, although porcelain is a great way to combine style and durability. Source:
- 5. Battery operated, warm, white fairy lights, wound around the structural plants like box balls will make the garden look wonderful in winter. You don't have to wait until Christmas and they don't have to come off in January, keep them going until spring for a really magical look which will make you, and the neighbours, smile. Source:
- 1. Front gardens are perfect for pots and those pots can bring colour to every season. Violas for winter, tulips in spring, alliums in summer and agapathus in autumn. As you get more confident you can start to get more adventurous with your containers and combine colours to make really bold and wonderful statements. Source:
- 2. Keep eight big pots on the go in the rear garden and plant them up in pairs for each season. Wheel them out as they begin to shine. The great thing about this is, if an experiment goes wrong and doesn't look good, a quick trip to the garden centre for some emergency flowering plants will fix it in an afternoon. Source:
- I'm sure you've seen the front gardens with big personalities but they often stick out like sore thumbs. The place for expressing yourself in your garden is in the back. In your rear garden you can paint your fence blue, grow tropical plants and fill it with all the wonderful ornaments you like. At the front, tone it down and think of the way the street looks as a whole – your neighbours will silently thank you. Source:
- 4. Gravel or paving are popular low maintenance options; the rule is that the more hard landscaping you have the lower the maintenance will be. The easiest solution to look after is paving – bricks, slabs, driveway pavers – but it can prove to be expensive to put these over the whole of the front, even if your garden is small, so gravel is a decent halfway house. It'll need an occasional bit of work to rake it back into place. Source:
- You may not think about selling right now, but it's likely to happen at some point, so if you're putting money and effort into your front garden think about kerb appeal to buyers. What would you like to see if you were thinking about buying this house? It's another really good reason to avoid anything whacky at the front. Kerb appeal is about looking neat, well maintained and cared about. Case in point: Dustbins can be a real eyesore, so screen them with shrubs or trellising, or invest in wheelie bin storage, or as horticulturist Alys Fowler suggests, 'Make your garden so pretty your eye won't be drawn to the bins at all!' Source:
- The biggest joy in gardening is to ring the changes: to herald spring, to celebrate summer and to the bask in a winter wonderland. And there's no reason not to do this in the front garden. In fact, it's possibly more important since it's the front garden that you see pretty much everyday without fail. Source:
- 3. Use evergreens in the borders. A great low maintenance front garden idea, these will quietly get on whilst giving you shape and structure. They don't grow too much, don't need staking, and once they're established, usually after one season, they don't even need watering. OK you won't get many flowers from them, but they tick every other box. Source:
- Structure like this will work in winter as well as summer – and winter is a key time in the front garden. This will likely be your one glimpse of greenery on your way from house to the car, so getting the winter look right is crucial. The shapes of the flower beds will be seen, and the structural bones are visible in winter, so it's essential to make sure those bones look good. Source:
To begin started, here are some tips for finding information about front of house small garden ideas: - Research front of small house landscaping ideas-related information from credible sources. This includes libraries, websites, and even journalistic professionals. - When researching Front garden ideas: 7 golden rules to achieve wow factor all year round, it is vital to be aware of the numerous sorts of electronic media sources, such as Google and YouTube. Social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, are also likely to contain information regarding front of small house landscaping ideas.
# Video | Front Of House Small Garden Ideas

To obtain the most accurate information about Front garden ideas: 7 golden rules to achieve wow factor all year round, it is essential to investigate the credibility of each source by reading.
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Here are some crucial points concerning front of house small garden ideas:
- Front Of House Small Garden Ideas
- Front Of Small House Landscaping Ideas
- Small Front Yard Landscaping Ideas & Designs
- Front Garden Ideas: 7 Golden Rules To Achieve Wow Factor All Year Round
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This article concludes by providing an overview of front of small house landscaping ideas. In addition, Front garden ideas: 7 golden rules to achieve wow factor all year round and front of house small garden ideas are discussed to compare your understanding of front of house small garden ideas.